Maternal Iron Deficiency: Prevention and Treatment

Maternal Iron Deficiency: Prevention and Treatment

Posted by Pharmics on 3rd Dec 2020

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on maternal iron deficiency anemia, or a lack of iron in the blood of pregnant women. Expecting mothers are some of those at the highest risk of this condition, largely due to the fact that they need much more iron than most other people, but luckily there are both prevention techniques and treatments available for those in this position.

At Pharmics Inc., we’re proud to offer several of the best iron supplements for pregnancy, plus for several other conditions or groups who may require them. We provide this essential mineral in a few different formats, allowing for proper red blood cell formation and helping prevent several related conditions and effects. What are some of the ways you can prevent maternal iron deficiency anemia as a pregnant woman, and what are the treatments available if this condition does arise? Here’s a look in part two of our series.

Maternal Iron Deficiency Anemia Prevention

There are a few basic methods for preventing iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women. They include:

  • Iron supplements: Generally speaking, pregnant women require 27 milligrams of iron per day while they’re carrying their baby. For those who aren’t getting this much through their diet, the simplest method for upping the quantity is taking quality iron supplements. You should speak with your doctor before starting any new iron supplement just to confirm it’s safe and ideal to you.
  • Prenatal vitamins: In addition, many prenatal vitamins come with large quantities of iron, plus other important vitamins or minerals your body needs during pregnancy. Once again, speak to your doctor about an ideal prenatal vitamin, plus whether you might require an additional iron supplement on top of it.
  • Proper diet: Foods high in iron and folic acid should be promoted in general for pregnant women. These include poultry, fish, lean red meat, beans, leafy vegetables and more. On the flip side, you should avoid items like raw eggs or coffee and tea, as these may limit the body’s ability to properly absorb iron.

Treatment Methods

In cases where the above methods are not enough and a pregnant woman is still testing anemic, further steps may be taken. This will sometimes involve specialty care from a hematologist who specializes in blood disorders, or it could involve additional supplemental iron in some cases. For those who have any history of gastric bypass or small bowel surgery, however, or if you’re unable to take oral iron due to a tolerance concern, you may need iron administered intravenously.

For more on iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women and how to prevent it using iron supplements, prenatal vitamins and other techniques, or to learn about any of our supplements or related services, speak to the staff at Pharmics Inc. today.