How does iron deficiency impact your workout?
Posted by Pharmics on 27th Apr 2020
For those who love a good workout, nothing is worse than getting all ready and starting your exercise routine for the day only to find that you feel fatigued and don’t have the energy to finish what you started. If you find yourself losing interest in your favorite exercises and physical activities, and can tell your endurance is suffering, you may want to find out if you are low on iron. Low iron levels during exercise may result in loss of stamina, fatigue, recurring injuries, decrease in appetite, and an often times can put you in a bad mood. For some athletes, low iron levels can derail training for a big event. For others it may impact performance while playing a team sport. For many people, low iron just keeps them from engaging in their daily fitness routine that they have become accustomed to.
Iron deficiency does not just happen in a day. It is the build-up of nutritional deficit over an extended period of time and this condition can be exacerbated by intense physical activity and exercise. If you are starting to feel the effects of low iron, it may be hard to make up the difference with diet alone. If you are experiencing symptoms and find out that your levels are low and need a boost, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider and find out if iron supplements are the answer for you. You may be back at Cross-Fit or finishing your first triathlon before you know it.