About Us
Pharmics, Inc. is a Utah based company that has been providing quality pharmaceutical nutritional products to the Bariatric, Pediatric and Obstetric market since 1970. Nutrition is the foundation for a healthy life. It is our goal that every child receive proper nutrition during the critical years of development (both pre and post natal).
Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world.
Ferretts Iron Supplements provide iron with a unique delivery mechanism for better tolerability and absorption. Give it a try and feel the difference.
Our company philosophy is to provide products that are better tolerated for better results.
Please browse the PRODUCTS section which offers complete information on all of the Pharmics products.

Contact Pharmics
Pharmics, Inc.
2364 W 12600 S #2D2
Riverton, UT 84065
Mailing Address:
Pharmics Inc
1878 W 12600 S #223
Riverton, UT 84065
801-966-4177 FAX